Transgender Counseling Services
Contact us for more information.
The Center provides services and programs for the Transgender and Gender Non-conforming community. Services include a weekly support group, counseling, shapewear, and name change information.
Name Change Process. The guides below can help people through the name change process in Milwaukee County. In many cases, it is not necessary to work with a lawyer when applying for a name change! Our Name Change Clinic will work with you through the process and assist with applications, fee waivers, and other paperwork.
The primary benefit of working with a pro bono lawyer to file your name change is that the lawyer pays for the process. If you want to work with a lawyer, you can reach out to be put on our waitlist. The current waitlist is 4 - 6 months as of March 2025.
Name Change Guides:
Medical Support: connecting to affirming doctors and communicating with medical providers and insurance to receive proper care.
Gender-Affirming Surgery Support: If you want to schedule an appointment with a mental health or substance abuse counselor to obtain a letter for gender-affirming surgery, complete our referral form and click “submit” at the bottom of the form (REFERRAL FORM). (Please note: There is currently a waitlist for surgery letters due to the high volume of requests. If you are still interested and want to get on the waitlist, please fill out the form).
Gender-Affirming Products: we can provide folks with binders. Request a binder here.
TGNC Social Events: See our calendar of events for the most up-to-date information.
TGNC Support Group, Every Thursday: In Person 6:00-8:00 pm. Open peer support groups for any adult (18+) identifying as transgender or Gender Non-Conforming. A welcoming space to build community and talk about experiences as a TGNC individual.
Parents of TGNC Littles Support Group, 3rd Monday of the Month: In Person 5:30 - 6:30 pm. This is a support group for parents of TGNC Littles (ages 4-12). While the parents meet to gain support from other families in a similar situation, the littles will meet in the Project Q space under the supervision of Center staff to interact with kids like them. The parents and kids are just down the hall from each other for everyone's comfort level.
Gemini Gender Support Group, 2nd Saturday of the Month 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm. A group for those who identify as two-gendered or Gemini gender. A welcoming space to build community and talk about experiences as a TGNC individual.