5 Fun Facts About Chihuahuas


#1) Chihuahuas are Named After Chihuahua, Mexico

The Chihuahua receives its namesake from the state of Chihuahua, Mexico. Also known as “The Big State” and “The Great State,” Chihuahua is Mexico’s largest state, with an area of 95,543 square miles (247,455 square km). In the late 1800s, American travelers visiting the region encountered merchants selling Chihuahuas, some of which were brought back to the U.S.

#2) The Chihuahua has One of the Longest Lifespans

Living 15 to 20 years on average, the Chihuahua has one of the longest lifespans of any dog breed. Of course, smaller breeds tend to live longer than larger ones, but another key factor contributing to the Chihuahua’s longevity is the relatively few health problems to which the breed is predisposed.

#3) Chihuahua Means ‘Between Two Waters’

The name “Chihuahua” derives from a Nahuatl word, meaning “between two waters.” Historians believe the name is older than the Spanish Conquest of Mexico, which began in 1519.

#4) Japan’s Police Force has a Search-and-Rescue Chihuahua

In 2010, a six-pound long-coat Chihuahua named Momo became an official police dog for the Nara Police Department in Japan. Momo’s small size allows her to crawl through tight spaces and dense rubble during search-and-rescue missions.

#5) Chihuahuas are Excellent Watch Dogs

With a strong sense of hearing and constant alertness, Chihuahuas make excellent watchdogs. If your Chihuahua hears another person or animal snooping around your home, he’ll bark loudly to get your attention.